This Week in Skin | 001

I firmly believe in that when you learn, you should teach and pass on knowledge. It’s one of my basic philosophies, which is why every week I round up all the lessons we’ve learnt and shared with clients at West Room Aesthetics and share them with the world.

  1. Face oil is not a moisturiser- your skin needs water for hydration, not oil. If you reach for facial oil when your skin feels dry, you’re not doing it any favours. Go for a moisturiser with ingredients like water, ceramides, glycerine, urea, hyaluronic acid.

  2. Less is definitely more. Five key products formulated well and with ingredients that play well together will always be more effective than ten bottles of single ingredients products. You’re not a bathroom chemist. Keep skincare routines powerful but light and short. Life is happening outside of the bathroom

  3. Not everyone is qualified to do injectable treatments - only doctors and nurses can do fillers and Botox. Done by an unqualified cowboy therapists you risk tissue damage/death, blindness or worse. Are bigger lips or a less wrinkled forehead worth it? If you can’t afford a proper clinician, then you shouldn’t be having the procedure. Period!

  4. Self diagnosing and listening to all and sundry on the internet can be dangerous for your skin health and your bank balance.

  5. Just because it’s easier nowadays to get your hands on Tretinoin doesn’t mean you should be using it. It’s a medication, not a regular face product and needs careful monitoring.

  6. It is absolutely never too old to start looking after your skin. Skincare is for everyone, at any age and it’s a privilege to help you get on track.

  7. If you can’t afford both treatments and products, always go for products as you can do a lot of good just with your home care alone. Treatments are a great thing to do but what you do consistently day in day out, is what will make a key difference. No point having treatments once a month and spending the other 30 days or so doing next to nothing at home.

We all deserve access to good quality information that helps us look after our skin health. Consider this is free skincare game!

Want more tips? Order my debut skincare book - Black Skin - The Definitive Skincare Guide. Word on the grapevine is that it’s excellent!